Author: Tugs

Synthestesia: Episode 1 – Roland’s Mouth

From the ubersecret lairs deep within the bowels of Rainfurrest 2012, comes a secret episode combining some of the furry fandom’s most well known podcasts into one insane adventure: Synthestesia. Which podcasts and hosts, you ask? Here’s a handy list:

Once you’ve made sure your tray tables are in the upright and locked position and all your valuables are stowed securely, hit the play button below. Normality will be restored to FWIW in 2 weeks. We’ll see you then!

(Warning: This podcast episode has a decidedly different feel and tone than a typical FWIW episode. If you choose to skip it, we totally understand!)


FWIW is Hitting the Road!

FWIW is excited to announce our upcoming episode will be aired from Las Vegas, Nevada!  Vegas is known for all types of gaming – be it pinball, table games, or electronic games and it seems like no better place to talk about our next topic, video games. We’ll be reading your emails, sharing in video game memories, and exploring the influence of notable furry video games and video game characters on the fandom. Don’t miss it!

If you’d like to share your memories of furry video games, characters, or name your personal favorite – email us and we’ll be sure to read it on the air.

We Need Your Input: Video Games with Furry Characters

We’re nearing the release of the excellent episode about Women in the Fandom, which will be available Sunday. This means we’re getting ready to record the following episode: Furries and Video Games 1! We are starting to prepare for our next recording session, and we need your input! Comment on this post below using your Twitter, Facebook, or whatever you like login and let us know what video games with furry characters you are a fan of! You can share a specific character, series, song, or whatever you feel would make for a great episode.

Who knows? You may hear your favorite video game theme song! Get commenting!

iTunes issues

We have been made aware of some issues with our podcast listing in the iTunes store. We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. If you’re experiencing issues, please let us know by commenting below, using as much detail as possible. We apologize for the issues and will get back to normal ASAP!

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