Copyright Statement

(Ugh, lawyers. They got to us on this one.)

[box_warning]”Fur What It’s Worth” and “Fur What It’s Worth LIVE!” is ©2011-2016 Fur What It’s Worth. All episodes, episode content, episode names, segments, segment names, logos, images, other media displayed on this site and at live events, and all other intellectual property rights are reserved by Fur What It’s Worth or their respective rights owners, used under license. For individual copyright license information, please see the show notes page for the episode in question. For the purposes of law, the show is bound by the laws of the state of Utah, United States.[/box_warning]

Alright, go back to the main site. Seriously, this is just legal copy. Blah blah blah stuff. Stop reading this! No! NO! NOOOOO!

Bad touch.
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